Other Products Trading
TRADHOL INTERNATIONAL completes its global offering for the alcohol industry with this division. We supply a large number of additives and raw materials:
- Rectified wine alcohol
- Wine distillates
- Wine spirits
- Brandies
- Sherry brandy
- Rum
- Cachaça
- Malts
- Scotch Whisky
- Gin
- Vodka
- Wines
- Concentrated musts
- Vinegar

These products can be supplied in tanker trucks, tanker ships, drums in FCL20′ and 40′, and isotanks of about 25,000 liters.
- Machinery, auxiliary equipment, and components for the liquor and beverage industry.
- Petrochemical Products: Solvents and Lubricants.
- Flours.
The marketing and exportation of many of our products are the result of agreements with manufacturers to market their products in International Markets.
In all cases, our company is characterized by the exportation of products based on high quality, competitive prices, and all the commercial experience of Tradhol Internacional.