About Us
Tradhol Internacional, S.A. is a leading national and international company, whose objective is focused on offering comprehensive solutions in the alcohol business.
We work with a wide range of alcohol qualities and with a wide and diverse type of clients, including the liquor, chemical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic industries.

During last years we have traded with more than 135 million liters annually, increasing year after year our traded volumes. This increase is based, in our quality products, our experience as producers, and in our way of working, with mutual compromise when establishing relationships among customers and suppliers.
We are the leading player in Central America, Caribs and West Africa. Additionally we do have a strong presence in Europe, South America and Asia.
Nowadays we are leaders in the industrial ethanol market of several countires such as SPAIN, Philippines or Nigeria.
Our aim:
Is to offer Tailor-made solutions in the alcohol market, from an environmentally friendly approach, and backed by a multidisciplinary team with extensive knowledge and experience in the business of alcohol